Saturday, September 17, 2011

How Good A Loser Are We??


We all want to live a happy life. A life that is full of success. Success plays such an important role in our life that we often take so many things for granted. In horde for success we lose at one major point “LOSING”, we are so much obsessed with achieving success that even a small set back makes us feel lost and frustrated.


In life we face so many instances where we feel like things are really turned worse and we have no way out. We never have a thought that are the things that are bothering us and creating heck of frustration are really worth the attention that they are given. If you are a student losing out on your result, do you think sitting back and crying for what has happened will solve your problem. Do you think this would really make you feel better? Are you just frustrated because you feel in love with the wrong person and now have no way out of it! is this stress killing you? How big is your problem!!!
If you ask me, I would say your problem is as big as you make it. If you have failed. You have two ways to go. First, you can either think how God and other people had been unfair to you. This will create more hate in you for the people who really love and care for you. Secondly, you can accept that it was your mistake and realize it. This will let you see whole world with a new perspective.
Many of us really think that failures and hard time only come to us. We feel like God has always been unfair to us and leave’s us with more problems. Indeed we sometimes feel that we worked so hard and dedicatedly yet it we didn’t get expected result. For all of us who feel this way read the following paragraph.
The world around us is not a balanced one. Not everything in equilibrium. Newton’s law “Every action has equal and opposite reaction”, does not hold true for human emotions and interactions. You are not gonna get the equal results for all the hard work and dedication that you are giving. Sometimes you may be paid back with less rewards and sometimes you may be paid back bounty. So know that its all a cycle, everything that you have put in will someday reap rewards. God has never been unfair to anyone. You just need to know that someday you too will be the one who will reap rewards for all the efforts you have put in, and for that you should never lose FAITH.
Faith in yourself, Faith in GOD, Faith in everyone around you.. J


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