Thursday, January 13, 2011

A true Friend

One night when my friend got upset with me and said that she never wants me in her life again. I was broken; it felt like the whole world has turned down on me taking revenge from me for all the sins that i have committed. The world seemed so small that I felt there was no one I could go to now and share all the stupid little feeling that I used to share with my friend.
The word “friend” was never this painful before. Things that looked so simple, the small talks that we shared, the gestures that we exchanged, the little time we spent together, suddenly left an empty space in my life. Though nothing changed in life the absence of one person, made all the difference.
I decide to give it a break and let myself think about what exactly went wrong. In the beginning it was hard to recognize the mistake. The emptiness was growing deeper, killing my sense of understanding. The world around became so lifeless, it felt as if there was nothing that life had for me, except the sorrow and pain.
The misery was taking toll on me and it was just disgusting. I finally decided to take a step forward, look at the brighter side. Trust me, within a grasp of a second I found the solution to all the problems of my life. I realized, if I sit back and wait for things to set right, they gonna go worse. So I made up my mind to apologize for all the mistakes I have done and also the mistakes I haven’t done.
Its always hard to accept the mistake you have done and even harder to accept it. I set myself up and apologized for all the mistakes that I had done. I promised never to let my ego get over our friendship; I would never take things for granted. In a nick of a second all the anger that had been a reason for the sorrows in our life melted away. It was hard truth to accept.
That day I learnt a big lesson. I understood why we all fail to understand one fundamental of a good relationship. Its to admit your mistake, forgive others mistake and move on. There are many more things very important in a relationship than to hold on to someone’s mistake, and curse each other. Two people can never think alike, yet there is no gain in quarreling over difference of opinion. Instead we must understand the other person, learn and accept what is correct.
A true friendship is the one which is free from fight and quarrels, it’s the one in which the person is more important that those fights and quarrels.

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